Swan Songs: The Lonely Call of Nature

The songs animals sing tell us something about our own loneliness. In Southeast Asia, people capture wild songbirds to be caged and forced to sing only for humans and for decades, whales were hunted and killed for their oil and meat. But the songs of animals are not meant for us to hear alone. They are sung in order for animals to connect to each other and it’s up to us to decide whether we are ready to hear the song of the lonely.

John Zada, Part 2

In this part two of Les’ intriguing chat with author and journalist John Zada, fresh after the release of his book In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond about his search for Bigfoot in Indigenous communities. Les and John go deeper into existence – not of Bigfoot but of humans. They cover truth or bullshit and the decline of the western civilization as well as being blissfully ignorant.

Rejecting Linkin Park

In the year 2000, Linkin Park released its debut album Hybrid Theory, which would become the highest-selling debut album of the 21st century. But pre-platinum records, Porsches and private jets, Linkin Park was called Xero, and they were rejected by 44 music labels. Join us this week as we tell the band’s incredible story – from Xero to 70 million records sold.

Rejecting Laverne Cox

Laverne Cox is best-known for playing Sophia Burset on the Netflix series Orange Is The New Black. But before landing the role of a lifetime, Cox struggled to book auditions. At 40 years old, she found herself in housing court for the second time, on the precipice of homelessness. Join us this week as we tell Cox’s trailblazing story. From being rejected by 496 agents, to becoming the first Transgender person in history nominated for a primetime acting Emmy.